

Bonobos are pigmy chimpanzees only found in the rainforest in the Congo in Central Africa. The second largest rainforest area in the world. The Bonobo is the most endangered of the great apes. Endangered due to loss of rainforest habitat for agriculture, population fragmentation, poachers and hunted for the bushmeat trade even though there are indigenous beliefs against killing Bonobos. Infant Bonobos are sold as pets.

Bonobos are the peacemakers of the ape species. They don't murder their young or fight within their groups. They resolve conflict through social bonding and lots of sex!

Donate/Sponsor a Bonobo or volunteer with The Bonobo Conservation Initiative at

An international org. solely dedicated to protecting wild bonobos and their habitat. The BCI established the Bonobo Peace Forest in 2001. The forest is a linked cluster of 11 community based forest reserves covering more than 50,000 square miles where bonobos are legally protected by the local Congolese withwhom they share the forest. This method maintains the peace and empowers the indigenous communities to build sustainable economies.

Adopt/donate at Friends of Bonobos

  www.friends of

You can make a single donation or adopt a bonobo for $20 per month or $240.00 for one year. There are 3 bonobos to adopt: Kata, lomela and Boyoma. Each comes with an adoption certificate, photo and a quarterly newsletter. The organization is run by volunteers so every dollar donated goes straight to the bonobo.

Donate at GRASP - Great Ape Survival Project. 

Your donation helps to protect apes and their habitats. GRASP Focuses on a global strategy by lifting the threat of species distinction faced by wild populations of bonobos, gorillas and Orangutans across their ranges in Southeast Asia and equatorial Africa.Projects promote sustainable land use, conservation of endangered species, the linking of forest corridors, developing responsible tourism and engaging community support to make sure where apes and people interact, that this interaction is positive and sustainable.

On the GRASP website you can read 'Stolen Apes' the first report to analyse the illegal trade in apes lost in the wild (minimum of 22,218) since 2005.

The Bushmeat 

This project has been established to support partnerships that will help the people of equatorial Africa to protect the regions unique ecosystems and societies.Their aim is to stop the demand and slaughter of gorillas and bonobos and other endangered species. To educate the people who are involved in the lucrative bushmeat trade. To convert the poachers to conservation protectors by seeking alternative ways to satisfy human needs that drive the trade in wildlife bushmeat. Log on to their website and see how you can help.

Donate to African Wildlife Foundation

Saving the habitat is at the core of AWF Conservation efforts. Covering large areas of land that span borders and can cover entire countries; these areas harbour critical biodiversity and offer local people economic opportunities. The AWF trains rangers and works with local communities on how best to share their land alongside endangered animals. AWF work with governments, organisations and communities offering education, training in sustainable agriculture and ecotourism.

AWF also monitor endangered animal populations, support anti-poaching units and nature corridors, create animal sanctuaries, eco-tourism lodges, support conservation and the relocation of species.