The short beaked Echidna is a protected species in Australia, although its habitat is not. It is found throughout Australia from semi-arid to snowy areas, the widest distribution of any native mammal. The Echidnas body is covered in fur and spines providing excellent defence from predators. They have no teeth, a long tongue and strong claws for digging up its diet of of termites, ants and beetle larvae.

The Echidna is a monotreme; a mammal that lays eggs. Even though the species is protected the echidna is still threatened by land clearance, road kill and introduced predators.

Adopt an echidna for $35AUD with The Kanyana Wildlife Rehabilitation Centre in Western Australia.

A not for profit organisation, committed to the welfare and protection of native wildlife. Kanyana volunteers run a hands on approach by visiting schools to help educate children by raising awareness of endangered animals.

The Australian Zoo have 2 echidnas for adoption called Prickle and Alberta. Go to