

The Grizzly Bear is one of the worlds most widely distributed animals. Found in northern regions within Alaska, Canada and the USA.

Endangered status due to habitat loss from development, killed in self defence, killed by trains and by road and trail access.

Adopt with Defenders of Wildlife

Save the grizzly bear from illegal killing and protect their habitat, such as in Yellowstone National Park. The organisation also offers rewards for any information that leads to the arrest and conviction of people who kill the grizzly.

Various adoption packs are offered. Starting at $25 dollars for a plush toy bear and adoption certificate up to $60 for a brown bear group.

Adopt with World Animal Foundation

A non-profit organisation dedicated to the protection of animals. They work through animal rescue, research, legislation and direct action.

For a symbolic adoption of US$35.00 you will receive an adoption certificate, photo and fact sheet etc.