The humpback whale is named for its distinctive 'hump' formed by its back when the whale is about to dive. Humpbacks complete the longest annual migration of any mammal travelling from polar regions to feed and back to the tropics to breed.
Their coastal routes have made the species easy targets of the whale industry. Over 1000,000 humpback whales were killed between 1900-1940 in the southern hemisphere alone.

Since 1966 humpbacks have received full protection, but their are still susceptible to ongoing whaling, marine pollution and global warming.

Donate or Volunteer with Sea Shepherd Conservation Society

A non- profit organisation whose aim is to stop the slaughter of whales and dolphins and to protect their fragile ecosystems. Their first voyage was in 1978, since then Sea Shepherd has embarked on 200 voyages criss-crossing the oceans using direct action tactics to investigate and document actions on the high seas. Their crews have been arrested in Norway, chased Japanese whalers out of the Pacific and Antarctic oceans, documented pilot whale slaughter in the Faroe Islands, and investigated Norways whale fin meat industry.

Donate to Blue Voice Org

Founded in 2000 by Hardy Jones and Ted Danson The org raises awareness about the oceans and exposes harmful levels of toxins in the marine environment. They have investigated dolphin hunting in Peru, dolphin slaughter in Japan, exposed Greenlands corrupt quota of whale meat. Blue Voice has produced award winning films for TV.

Donate, adopt and/or volunteer with Pacific Whale Foundation

Work to protect the ocean through science and advocacy with ongoing marine research, conservation and education programs. The foundation has educated nearly 3.5 million people about marine conservation using non-invasive scientific techniques to collect date about humpback whales.

Since 1984 the foundation has photographed and identified more than 6000 individual humpback whales and published 4 books, written various scientific papers about humpback whales in the Pacific.