

The ring-tailed Lemur from Madagascar are endangered due to habitat loss for agriculture, trees felled for charcoal production, fires and the fact that lemurs are still hunted and also kept as pets.

Adopt with The Lemur Conservation Foundation 


This is a not for profit organisation dedicated to the conservation of lemurs through captive breeding programs, research, education and re-introduction into the wild. $1,000 US a year goes to the care, feeding, housing and veterinary care of lemurs at the Myakka City Lemur reserve in Florida, USA.

Prosimian is a grouping of animals defined as being primates but are not apes or monkeys. They are the only primates native to Madagascar but also found in Asia and Africa.

Adopt /Donate with the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust 


Founded in 1963 by the world recognised naturalist Gerald Durrell to help save endangered species from extinction. He calls lemurs ‘honey coloured teddy bears’.
Adopt Bandro, an Alaotran lemur. This great mum has produced seven offspring since arriving in Jersey. There are four adoption packages.Bronze for 36.00 pounds, Silver for 120.00 pounds, Gold for 660.00 pounds and Platinum for 3,000.00.

Adopt with Marwell Wildlife in the Hampshire countryside in the UK


For £50 you get an adoption certificate, photo, magnet, facts sheet, folder and a ticket to entry into Marwell Wildlife. 100 pounds helps towards a hospital unit for newborn lemurs. Plus you get 2 admission tickets and your name on a plague in the park.

Adopt with Mountain View Conservation and Breeding Centre in British Columbia, Canada.


This modern ark of animals cares for over 50 rare and endangered animals on 300 acres in temperate rainforest.

For US$50 donation provides vet care and nursing for a new born lemur. US $1,000 will provide special treats, food, bed hay and activity enrichment. There is also a US $250 adoption and a US $500.00 adoption. You receive an adoption certificate, photo of your adopted animal and a newsletter.