The black rhinoceros from Africa is endangered due to the illegal trade in rhino horns used in traditional Chinese medicines. Poachers often work unchecked in areas of Africa suffering from political unrest. The rhino horn is also used to make handles for daggers. The habitat where they live is also being cleared for farming

The illegal trading of ivory is worth 12 billion a year, it’s the 4th largest illegal trade in the world. The massive illegal trade in ivory combines cross border poaching, weapons proliferation and regional insecurity, threatening the stability of governments therefore a profound threat to national security. The trade is becoming more widespread, dangerous and organised. Crime syndicates are increasingly involved through their well-established networks. Networks are broken down into 5 categories’ starting with the local poverty driven poacher, next the local courier, then the national facilitator, onto the national exporter and last the received ivory into the consumer country. In some African countries it’s reported that the armies are dealing in the trade.

The biggest challenge is to educate the population from within Africa and Asia to the fact that hacking off the horn often results in death to the species.There is no scientific proof to the medical benefits of powdered horn to ward of cancer, reduce heat and fever in a body, or work as a hangover cure for the new wealth of the minority Asian elite using it as a mixer in drinks.

Donate to African Wildlife Foundation 


Saving the habitat is at the core of AWF Conservation efforts. Covering large areas of land that span borders and can cover entire countries; these areas harbour critical biodiversity and offer local people economic opportunities. The AWF trains rangers and works with local communities on how best to share their land alongside endangered animals. AWF work with governments, organisations and communities offering education, training in sustainable agriculture and ecotourism.

AWF also monitor endangered animal populations, support anti-poaching units and nature corridors, create animal sanctuaries, eco-tourism lodges, support conservation and the relocation of species.

Donate to Saving the Survivors


Started in 2012 to care and look after rhino that has fallen victim to poaching or traumatic incidents. This includes rhinos that have been wounded, rhinos where the horn has been hacked off, and victims of snaring and traumatic incidents. Rhino survivors are estimated at between 80 and 120 animals per year that will benefit from this project. This number will increase as the amount of poached rhinos increase. While a few of these animals are brought in to our hospital, most are being treated in the bush in their normal environment as transporting these injured animals are just not possible or feasible. The areas we frequently visit are Mpumalanga, Limpopo and the Northern Cape.

Donate to The International Poaching Foundation


Damien Mander, a former sniper in the Australian Special Forces founded IAPF in 2009. A passionate wildlife warrior he used his life savings to fund the start up costs. Damien was determined to use his military skills on the frontline of animal suffering – the illegal poaching of endangered elephants and rhinos in South Africa and Zimbabwe.

IAPF is a direct action law enforcement organisation dedicated to decelerate the widespread poaching until governments can intervene themselves with more resources, tougher regulations and penalties for poachers. IAPF offers African rangers training, education, the latest tactics, equipment and standard operational procedures.

Bored with your job!. Volunteer to become a green army member. No previous experience required, you’d be providing on the ground assistance and become integrated into the lifestyle of an anti-poaching ranger.

Donate as little as $40.00 Aust for new boots for rangers. See website for more details.

Donate to The Save Foundation of Australia 


The past 20 years the foundations main focus has been the conservation of black rhinos in Zimbabwe. The org raises awareness and funds through events, trips and financial donations etc. For $30 Aust buys outdoor clothing for park rangers. $100 Aust buys diesel fuel for a land rover for one week of patrolling. Up to $1,000 Aust buys a radio receiver and battery for use in tracking rhinos by ranger anti poaching units.
The foundation also offer rhino safari trips. This is their major fundraiser. See first hand rhinos in Zimbabwe and Botswana.

Adopt a rhino with Sebabwe Black Rhino Trust 


A small trust supporting a group of 10 black rhinos in a conservancy in the midlands region of Zimbabwe. Every dollar donated makes a real difference to actual events on the ground. Adopt a rhino for 30.00 pounds for 2 years. You receive an adoption certificate and regular progress reports. The money raised pays the wages of the guards who are protecting rhinos, including yours from poachers.

Donate to Traffic 


Established in 1976 Traffic is a global network monitoring the wildlife trade. Website has to date information on the illegal trade in elephant and rhino horn. Traffic is research driven and action orientated creating educational awareness campaigns worldwide.

Adopt a rhino with Care for the Wild 


An international charity that works through safe guarding animals against hunters, poachers and other threats so species can still live in their wild habitats. Adopt ‘Max’ found lost and alone in the bush as a one year old. Taken into an orphanage. Because he is blind he is unable to ever return to the wild. For just 24.95 pounds a year you will receive a colour photo of Max, an adoption certificate, cuddly rhino toy, and an update on Maxs progress after 6 months.

Rhino news. Sue Blaine 12/1/12 . South Africa is home to almost 90% of the world’s estimated 22800 rhinos. The animals are under unprecedented attack linked to increased demand in Asia, particularly Vietnam, Thailand and Laos, thought to be sparked by increased affluence in the East. There is a mistaken impression that the horn — made of keratin, the fibrous structural proteins that make up hair and nails — has medicinal properties, including as a cure for cancer.The latest Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora (Cites) report indicates that "a minimum of 470" rhino were poached in seven African countries between January 2006 and September 2009 and lists "at least 10" successful prosecutions for rhino crimes in South Africa since 2006 and an average penalty of 10 years in jail for poaching and two years for possession.

A different way of thinking about rhino poaching that looks at the reasons why a community will poach in the first place. 
